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Exhibition- Trade Show Program

With more than 15 years experience in the industry, we understand in depth how to generate more from your Trade Show and that you will need further assistance to validate and qualify the leads prior to the Trade Show and even more after the Trade Show.
Once your sales team returns to their office they will have 'plenty' of tasks on the table from the time they spent at the Trade Show, down to the preparations. 
Most companies have a weak point after the Trad-Show for one simple reason:
The reality is they wouldn't have enough time to spend on lead validation, lead qualification
and set up the following meeting, especially due to the variety of tasks they will need to
deal with in a short time. 
Fruition's lead generation specialist's will validate and qualify the leads your sales team brought from the Trade Show, including the first engagement calls to set up an intro/POC meetings with our appointment setting services.
Our Sales Trade Show plan presented three times better results from a Trade Show, 
Business Development Manager
Get more in your next Trade Show
Fruition Business Group Plans, manages and executes the Four Phases program to enhance the opportunity to engage and meet with prospects during the exhibition and to convert the lead to a deal after the show
marketing penetration strategy
marketing penetration strategy
marketing penetration strategy
marketing penetration strategy
marketing penetration strategy
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